Category Archives: Nikita – Season 2

Season 2, Episode 9: Fair Trade

On this week’s episode title “Fair Trade”,Nikita steals funds from Oversight, forcing them to host an emergency meeting. Nikita and Birkoff figure out to spy on the meeting so Nikita can identify the other members of Oversight, but things go awry and Sean captures Birkoff. Amanda demands to know where Nikita is hiding but Birkoff refuses to give up his friend so she tortures him. Meanwhile, Alex sets her plan in motion to reclaim her father’s empire. With a price on her head, Alex realizes the easiest way to get into Russia undetected is the same way she was smuggled out – through the illegal sex ring.

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Posted by on November 21, 2011 in Nikita - Season 2, TV Series


Nikita – Season 2, Episode 8: London Calling

London Calling” saw Michael return to his  true calling, fatherhood, while Nikita gave into her insecurities and Alex once again let her thirst for revenge blind her to how easily (and routinely) she’s being manipulated by pretty much everyone. It was yet another strong episode, though not nearly as seamless as last week’s masterful “Clawback“. This week, you could see the pieces being moved around on the board a tad too clearly.

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Posted by on November 16, 2011 in Nikita - Season 2, TV Series